The QRSD Medication Form
The QRSD Medication Form must be completed when a student will be taking medication at school. Please note the following:
- This form contains a section that must be completed by a licensed physician/provider (with the physician/provider signature) and a section that must be completed by a parent/guardian (with the parent/guardian signature).
- An adult must transport medications to/from the school.
The QRSD Student Health Info and Consent
The QRSD Student Health Info and Consent needs to be completed by a parent/guardian each school year. Please note the following:
- Students are not allowed to have over-the-counter medications in their possession on school property.
- Antacids (e.g., calcium carbonate, Tums) are not available to students under the age of 12.
EpiPen/ LTA Action Plan
Students that have been prescribed an EpiPen for severe or life-threatening allergies (LTAs) should have a EpiPen/ LTA Action Plan on file, in the Nurse's Office, in addition to their EpiPens and Medication Form.
Asthma Action Plan
Students that have been prescribed an inhaler for asthma should have an Asthma Action Plan on file, in the Nurse's Office, in addition to their Inhaler(s) and Medication Form(s).