Welcome QRSD Students and Families!

The following health services are provided through QRSD:

  • Assessment & Management of Acute Illnesses/ Injuries
  • Care/ Case management of Children with Special Health Needs
  • Emergency Response – Individual, School-specific, Community–wide
  • Facilitation of Access to Care – Insurance, Medical Home, Oral Health, Behavioral Health
  • Medication Administration – Routine and "As Needed"

  • Screening – Height/ Weight/ BMI, Hearing, Vision, Postural/ Scoliosis
  • Surveillance – Communicable Diseases, Chronic Diseases
  • Promotion/ Maintenance of a Healthy School Environment
  • Health Education *
    *Examples of specific health issues addressed by health education and program development activities: asthma, diabetes, food allergies, substance abuse, healthy weight (nutrition, physical activity), sexual issues, injury prevention (intentional/ unintentional), skin cancer prevention, mental health, hygiene/ sanitation.

Student Health Policies

Who We Are

School Nurse, QRSD | QRMHS
Krystal Guertin, RN
(978) 355 4651 x 8102
School Nurse, Quabbin MHS
Michelle Johnson, LPN
(978) 355 4651 x 1110
School Nurse, Hardwick Elementary
Jane Young, BS, RN, NCSN
(413) 477 6351 x 34003
School Nurse, Hubbardston Center
Rya Bennett, MSN, RN
(978) 928 4487 x 35123
School Nurse, New Braintree School
Renee Hebert, RN
(508) 867 2553
Nurse Leader, QRSD / School Nurse, Oakham Center
Noreen Tremblay, BSN, RN, NCSN
(508) 882 3392 x 36006
School Nurse, Ruggles Lane
Diana Tuttle, BSN, RN
(978) 355 2934 x 33116